3663, Unit 12/Symondscliffe Way, Severn Bridge Industrial Estate, Portskewett, Caldicot, WA, NP26 5YA, non-specialised food drink

U.K Business Directory Wales List of United Kingdom Company


Company Name: 3663
Status: Active
Region: Wales
Post: NP26 5YA
County: Gwent
Town: Caldicot
Address: Unit 12/Symondscliffe Way, Severn Bridge Industrial Estate, Portskewett
Phone: +44 (0) 1291-615950
Fax: +44 (0) 1292-615970
Email: B.Britton@3663.co.uk
Contact General Manager: Mr B Britton
Web site: www.3663.co.uk
SIC code: 5139 Industry group: Wholesalers Trade & Commission, Business category: Non-specialised Food Drink
Employees: 51 to 100
Overall: 3663 is a business categorized under non-specialised food drink, which is part of the larger category wholesalers trade & commission. 3663 is located at the address Unit 12/Symondscliffe Way, Severn Bridge Industrial Estate, Portskewett in Caldicot, Wales NP26 5YA. The General Manager is Mr B Britton who can be contacted at 1291-615950.
Description: Catering Supplies
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